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Chat mod ban


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Banned for begging  by this stupid mod. here ( ℂℍ𝔼𝔼𝕋𝔸ℍ🐆)

 I didn't beg nobody ass one time and I wouldn't have had to do that if y'all hadn't stole my LTC Live chat won't even try help out they know it was yall side that got my LTC THERE PROBABLY IN ON IT THATS WHY they won't help and my chat cut off cause they don't want me saying anything this is fucked up y'all so reinstate  my chat back right now and give my LTC back now freaking thieves and tell live chat to quit ignoring me I'm pissed off as hell this bull crap has this type of stuff happened to you if so reply let em know were not going to stand for this crap 

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