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Join CRO listing Event and win $100 worth CRO coin Hash Dice Challenge!


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This new coin brings a new challenging event! This time we will be hosting Hash Dice challenge.

Hit 55555 and win upto $100 worth of CRO

Starts: 08:00, March 16th GMT

Ends: 08:00, March 18th GMT

What's the Challenge?

  • Roll 555xx
  • Roll 5555x
  • Roll 55555

Minimum Bet Amount

Minimum bet must be $0.1 in any of the coins we will check coingecko to see the bet amount at time of post.

Eligible Coins

All coins are eligible for this challenge except JB and as long as they match the minimum bet amount!

Available Prizes

1. Roll 55555 to Win $60 worth of CRO

2. Roll 5555x to win $30 worth of CRO

3. Roll 555xx to Win $10 worth of CRO

How will winners be chosen?

The prizes will depend on the rolls for example;

1. if the 55555 roll is hit by any of the user then first prize will go to that user and other 2 rewards will be based on time of posts.

2. if 55555 is not rolled by any of the user then we will divide that amount into the 5555X rolls 

3. If 5555X is also not rolled then we will divide Reward 1 and Reward 2 into reward 3 i.e 555XX 

How to Enter the Challenge

Take a screenshot displaying the bet details and send a reply to this thread with it.

Must be able to see betting ID so that your bet can be verified.

Please do not edit the original post all edited posts will be disqualified!



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Edited by Флинт
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Wow nice new event


Edited by ÆGEKddy
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Edited by _r_0_w3_n_4_
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ooppss i edited my first entry XD to insert the coin value. ok gonna check again. XD

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Challenge description in Chinese

CRO coin 上架活動,有機會獲得價值 100 美金 CRO

活動期間:(UTC+8) 2021/3/16 16:00 ~ 2021/3/18 16:00

挑戰目標:玩 Hash-dice (https://bc.game/hashdice) 遊戲、最低下注金額 0.1 美金,
並骰出數字 555xx(前三碼一致) 或 5555x(前四碼一致) 或 55555(完全一致)。

  • 所有幣種只要符合最低下注金額都可使用。
    骰出 55555(完全一致) 獎金是價值 60 美金的 CRO
    骰出 5555x(前四碼一致) 獎金是價值 30 美金的 CRO
    骰出 555xx(前三碼一致) 獎金是價值 10 美金的 CRO
  • 想要參與活動,只要挑戰成功、留下下注細節截圖並貼到此討論串即可,截圖需內含 betting id 以利驗證。
  • 已發佈的留言請勿修改(編輯),所有修改過的留言將取消參賽資格。
  • 不允許多重帳號參加,偽造的截圖將被刪除。
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this one is fresh lol. im not gonna edit it anymore then 

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7 hours ago, BC_Panda said:


This new coin brings a new challenging event! This time we will be hosting Hash Dice challenge.

Hit 55555 and win upto $100 worth of CRO

Starts: 08:00, March 16th GMT

Ends: 08:00, March 18th GMT

What's the Challenge?

  • Roll 555xx
  • Roll 5555x
  • Roll 55555

Minimum Bet Amount

Minimum bet must be $0.1 in any of the coins we will check coingecko to see the bet amount at time of post.

Eligible Coins

All coins are eligible for this challenge except JB and as long as they match the minimum bet amount!

Available Prizes

1. Roll 55555 to Win $60 worth of CRO

2. Roll 5555x to win $30 worth of CRO

3. Roll 555xx to Win $10 worth of CRO

How will winners be chosen?

The prizes will depend on the rolls for example;

1. if the 55555 roll is hit by any of the user then first prize will go to that user and other 2 rewards will be based on time of posts.

2. if 55555 is not rolled by any of the user then we will divide that amount into the 5555X rolls 

3. If 5555X is also not rolled then we will divide Reward 1 and Reward 2 into reward 3 i.e 555XX 

How to Enter the Challenge

Take a screenshot displaying the bet details and send a reply to this thread with it.

Must be able to see betting ID so that your bet can be verified.

Please do not edit the original post all edited posts will be disqualified!



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          😊PEACE & LOVE😊

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555 hashdice.JPG

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💙 𝔎𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔞 💙


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