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ok so while on the computer i never noticed it and im not sure if its a new thing or not but while on the phone its a MAJOR inconvinece. see when you enter anything into the chat box right above the send botton not even 2mm is this little x where if you miss it the send button by just a little while on anything touch screen it just deletes anything you just typed... i already dislike having to use a touchscreen keyboard for the phones so as it is but that little button just makes NO sense... if that could somehow be addressed that would be great as that just seems like a needless bit of coding and a hassle for people who use mobile phones... thank you for your time and consideration on this matter please let me know how you feel.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I concur with Sir Burchram Beery here.  I'm not sure if any of the kids of than, our Father be his name, and Super Sodium Chloride Man but I write often and with the length of words per post that would be envied by the likes of J.K. Rowling herself.  At times I admit I'm over the top like Sly Stallone bringing his 12 year old cross country in his semi to compete in a truck driver arm wrestling competition.  If that movie didn't own up to it and knock on the fourth wall by naming the movie after the ludicrous premise itself, I would turn all from such a film but instead they owner it and boy what a classic that picture turned out to be.  So while sometimes a touch too much for even myself, I feel many of my posts  are coated and creme filled with fun facts, useless nuggets of knowledge, a witty gift of gab, with a heavy dose of reality to all those that dare enter chat for any reason other than its original purity law. 

Beggars be gone, men think they can throw a feminine sounding name with an photo that surely has copyright infringement all over it yet they show up playing damsel in distress, or just the standard human pestering fool that can equate to an entire blackberry Bush of thorns in everyone's......um.......backside or if I may my photogenic side(pics to follow).  Mods can't always be in the room to regulate otherwise your inter-office pissing contest of who will be first to wager Elon Musk's net worth would be futile.   Anyways now my point be made with my thesis to finish. 

Do you think somebody who has found what the max characters allowed for so many different media that one should literally never max out in their lives would want to retype the masterpiece that was just deleted but I thought it was sent.......so I wait thinking there is lag in the chatroom..........then I realize it's never coming.........I done deleted it and now just smash my phone or tablet to pieces in frustration.  I'm writing this on my 6th phone since I joined not two months ago😏😉.  

So please for the love of Coco_Father Father, Coco_Gramps, will you move that stupid x somewhere else, please. I also wanted to throw in I'm a southpaw and x seems to have no prejudice to whom it choses as victim. (I don't know how or why this is highlighted but I couldn't figure out how to undo it, sorry).  

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